Monday, October 27, 2014

Magnet Monday: Scary Scarab

Cheesy Refrigerator Magnet for Monday, October 27, 2014
"Scarab", scarab beetle, circa 2011

I cannot see a scarab beetle without thinking of the tomb scene from the movie The Mummy. I'm not squeamish, but I'm also not a great fan of things creeping on, let alone under, my skin. This one does NOT have little legs that pop out, and it does NOT burrow under your skin. So far as I can tell. So far. 

We picked up this reassuringly inert beetle in the museum gift shop (shocker!!) after the Cleopatra exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum a few years ago. It's most magical quality is magnetism. And I'm happy with that. 

Magnet Monday features a selection from our semi-vast and ever growing collection of cheesy refrigerator magnets. Without doubt the perfect souvenir. Only slightly less cheesy than collecting snow globes but maybe a lot easier to smuggle in your bra. If need be. Which I hope it never is. Unless it's really worth it.

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