Monday, April 27, 2015

Magnet Monday: Tubac

Cheesy Refrigerator Magnet for Monday, April 27, 2015
"Tubac, AZ", Native American wedding vase, hand-painted ceramic, circa 2004

The wedding vase has a long tradition among many tribes. The shape is pretty similar: two spouts symbolizing the two people sharing vows, and the one handle uniting them together. Designs vary by tribe and Pueblo. Tradition holds that the groom's family makes the vessel and offers it as a gift to the bride. 

We picked this magnet up on my first visit to Arizona and my first chance to meet my now-husband's parents. You could argue that the design comes from the Sonoran desert around where the groom's parents live, and that it was made near the groom's parents home. Almost tradition. 

Magnet Monday features a selection from our semi-vast and ever growing collection of cheesy refrigerator magnets. Without doubt the perfect souvenir. Only slightly less cheesy than collecting snow globes but maybe a lot easier to smuggle in your bra. If need be. Which I hope it never is. Unless it's really worth it.

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